We see looking forward to gathering as the Haywood Baptist family for our annual meeting on Tuesday evening, October 26. Our pastors and other messengers will meet at Barberville Baptist Church. You are invited to a light supper which will be available in the fellowship hall from 6-6:45 PM. The main hallway will feature displays from various Baptist missions and ministries with whom we partner. The meeting will begin at 7 PM in the auditorium. During the business session we will vote on officers and a budget for the next year, and the proposed updated by-laws. We will pray and sing as we offer God’s worship, hear exciting reports of God’s work, and listen to a challenging message from God’s Word. Stephen Buys, Pastor of the Orchard Church, will bring the annual sermon. We look forward to hearing from Stephen and welcoming the Orchard Church into full membership in our family of churches. Let’s be praying for an unprecedented move of God in our churches and county! Wouldn’t it be great if we went to an Associational Meeting and a revival broke out?
Your Brother,
Dennis Thurman, Haywood AMS