Now, there are two things I like: feeding my stomach and feeding my soul! We can do both, this Monday at 10 AM during our Pastors' Conference.
The learning will concern what God is doing through your International Mission Board. Janet Packard from the IMB will be with us and give us a report, answer questions, share information--and help us know how we can partner together in the Great Commission. That is something to learn.
The lunch will follow--and we Baptists know how to do that! We may not practice fasting as we should, but we have mastered the art of feasting! It is always good to share fellowship around the table--and Biblical!
So, we hope to see you at 10 AM, Monday, February 10 at the Haywood Baptist Association Mission Center, 175 Woodland Dr. Waynesville, NC 28786.
Your Mission Strategist,
Dennis Thurman
