I just came from a prayer meeting in the parking lot of Mountain Area Pregnancy Services (hereafter referred to here as MAPS). This crisis pregnancy ministry made national headlines yesterday. It was vandalized, and threats were made to the staff. We not only have an interest in these events as fellow Christians who are staunchly pro-life, but even a local involvement as MAPS has opened up a center in Waynesville.
According to Scripture, we prayed because our warfare is not with flesh and blood. The perpetrators of this criminal act need to be brought to justice, but ultimately our battle is not with them. We know the source behind it--the one who is the murderer--Satan himself. The old serpent hates children. He seeks to destroy those fashioned in the image of God. He has many henchmen doing his work.
The arena of our warfare is spiritual, and the war room is the prayer chamber. It is not ultimately a cultural war or a political fight, although we need to be involved in both realms. Instead, it is a spiritual battle, and when we pray, we project the very power of God against our adversary--the devil and his legions of demons.
Here is a link to a newspaper article about the event: ttps://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/2022/06/07/asheville-police-mountain-area-pregnancy-services-vandalized-threatened/7544848001/
So, pray and consider giving to this pro-life ministry. It would be such an encouragement to MAPS during these days!
Yours for the Children,
Dennis Thurman, AMS