Jesus told the church at Philadelphia, "I have set before you an open door," (Rev.3:8). When God opens a door, He means for us to go through it! In His providence, God has opened a door for reaching the lost, discipling those who come to Christ, and impacting families with the Gospel. That door is the EVERY CHILD FOSTER AND ADOPTION MINISTRY. Follow these links to see the excited possibilities:
Your church family can make a difference! We complain about doors that are shut--people sheltering in place because of the pandemic and who do not want a personal contact. Others who are apathetic and even hostile toward traditional evangelistic methods. That is not to excuse us from the attempt. It is, however, true that when one door closes, God opens another--and this one is wide open!
Let me know if you would like for me to come and share with you more details of this opportunity!
Yours for Children,
Dennis Thurman, Haywood Baptist AMS
