The rebuild effort is underway and Haywood Baptists are poised to make a kingdom impact on these families that have suffered so much. Consider as a church adopting one or more of these flooded families. Here are some suggestions for church involvement in NCBOM Rebuild in Haywood County:
1. Decide the dollar amount your church wishes to invest in the project.
2. Make plans to travel to the homeowner site and meet the individuals. Make sure your church builds a relationship with the family through phone calls and visits to the site. If the family is not active in a Bible-believing church, invite them to yours. Always look for Gospel opportunities.
3. Coordinate with the project manager (Bill Martin) and get information about the family that will guide you through the best use of your money.
4. If possible,recruit carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and sheetrock workers to assist during the rebuild project.
5. Ask for teams to schedule workdays at the home site. This may include some finishing work like painting or yard work.
6. In the event your church wishes to just offer money be sure someone tracks where the finances are spent. Please do not just “give” money to the homeowners. Be a good steward of the resources God has provided to you.
7. Cover this family and project with sincere prayer.
Thus far, there has been over $32,000 given to Haywood Baptist Association targeted toward the rebuild effort. We thank you for your generosity. Through the stewardship of our time, talent, and treasure, we can show the love of Jesus to Haywood County!