Discussions, debates, decisions, and hopefully no division--that is what we do as Baptists. Hopefully, we seek the Lord's will and submit to it. Our personal authority is important in the PRIESTHOOD of believers, balanced with our corporate accountability for it is the priesthood of BELIEVERS. This is a cherished Biblical principle, which sometimes gets messy in how we apply it.
Overall, it was a good meeting of North Carolina Baptists in Greensboro for our 2023 Convention. You will be able to access online reports here:
The Pastor's Conference was a blessing. Every speaker was spot on--challenging us to shepherd God's flock. Jim Shaddix, who led a seminar here the previous week brought a powerful word from Jeremiah 23. If these are later posted, you would do well to watch them.
I was privileged to nominate one of our pastors--Jason Miller of Dutch Cove--to a second term as First Vice-President of the Convention. He was elected without opposition. Pray for Jason in this important role.
Further, I completed my tour of duty on the Nominating Committee--chairing it for the last two years. It is the hardest-working committee in the Convention, but we have wonderful men and women serving on it and the State Convention staff and officers were most supportive.
You can be confident in the Biblically grounded mission and ministries of North Carolina Baptists. We are well-led and focused on glorifying God and getting the Gospel out.
Have you signed up for servenc.com ? This is a goal for every one of our churches on the same week, August 3-10 of 2024, to reach out to your community in some way to show the love of Christ in hope that our service will open the door to share the Gospel. So far only Crabtree, Dutch Cove, and Lake Junaluska have signed up that we are aware. Let's do this!
Your Servant,
Dennis Thurman, Mission Strategist