Maybe you've seen the picture of the town-crier, ringing the bell, and calling, "Hear ye! Hear ye!" Following that comes an important announcement. Now, we do this in a bit more hi-tech manner, but consider this as your notification, and I am the HBA crier.
This coming Tuesday night, 7:00 PM at the HBA Office, we will gather in the conference room for our quarterly business session. Dan Page will lead our music and Dr. Roy Kilby will bring us an inspiring devotional message. There will be reports given concerning our mission work, and I will share the good things God is doing through Haywood Baptists and we will pray for future ministry opportunities.
As your mission strategist, I am here to add value to the churches of this association. We exist to serve you and support you in the Great Commission assignment that God has given to us. Please let us know how we can aid you in your work.
Yours In His Service,
Dennis Thurman, AMS