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I know the grammar is poor, but I was trying to get your attention! I was trying to get your attention, because I have something important to say!

I am speaking at the MAN UP Conference at Crestview Baptist Church on Saturday, August 6. The men's event gets under way at 9 AM and lunch is provided. Guys, if there was ever a time when we needed to "man up," it is now! Another speaker will be Tim Owens, church planter from Vermont. In fact, Tim will be with us August 5-12. He is looking for opportunities to share his burden for reaching New England. Could you use him, Sunday morning or Sunday evening, the 7th? How about Wednesday night, the 10th?

DRUM ROLL, PLEASE....budabudbudabudaboom! Tim will be speaking at the Monday morning Pastor's Conference on the 8th at 10 AM, and... Tuesday night, the 9th at our Associational Quarterly Meeting! Your church messengers and guests are invited to Encouraging Word Baptist Church, for an exciting time of fellowship and to hear what God is doing among Haywood Baptists, here and in New England. We want to be even more involved!

PASTORS AND CHURCH LEADERS, I begin a four part monthly series at the Buncombe Baptist Resource Center on August 10, at 10 AM. It is called, "Moving Ahead Without Losing Your Head!" How can you lead the church to make changes that will move the church forward in mission? How can your flock become more aligned with the Shepherd's direction? How can it happen without splitting the church or causing the pastor to be fired? Please let me know if you would like to come, as lunch and books are being provided. The other dates are: September 21, October 12, and November 16.

Yours in Kingdom Obedience,

Dennis Thurman, AMS

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