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Writer's picture: Haywood Baptist AssociationHaywood Baptist Association

Churches can stray from God's mission. They may wander from His will and pursue their own way. That never ends in a good place. The children of Israel were prone to wander. In Nehemiah 10, revival had come and they were heeding God's guidance. That is crucial for a church to be revitalized. There are three commitments we must make.

The first is TO WALK IN GOD’S WAY,(v.28-31).

  • We will seek God's path,(v.28). Here were six categories of people who were set apart from the world, and for God. He will guide you if you want to be led.

  • We will support God's people,(v.29a). The will of God was not found in isolation.  There is safety in a multitude of counselors. The Lord has a personal assignment for you, but it is a public responsibility.

  • We will serve God's precepts,(v.29-31). They were governed by God’s Word.  It was a serious dedication—they took an oath. It implied a steady progression—they walked.  Are you getting anywhere, spiritually?

The second commitment is TO WORK IN GOD’S SERVICE,(v.32-33). Two big words we see here are service and work.  We are not saved by our works, but we are saved to do work. 

  • There are chores in the house, (v.32). There was a work to do in the house of God.  This is our ministry to saints. It is what we do when we come to God’s house. 

  • There are labors in the field,(v.33). These observances were not just an act of worship to the Lord, but were a witness to the world. This is our mission to sinners. The field is the world.

The third commitment is TO WORSHIP IN GOD’S HOUSE, (v.34-39).  This is our top task. Without the right motive, we will be ineffective in what we do.  Love for Christ is the supreme motive.

  • Love is expressed by stewardship, (v.34-38). There are a lot of offerings mentioned here.  The stress is on the firstfruits--the cream of the crop.  Too often we want to give God the leftovers of our lives.  Love gives the very best it can.

  • Love is expressed in steadfastness, (v.39). Note that last phrase.  We need people steadfast in worship and work.  That’s what love does. 

Let us make a commitment, "We will not neglect the house of our God!"

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