Thank you for your prayers and financial help so that five representatives from Haywood Baptist Association churches could go to Vermont and back! It was such a busy, but profitable time. God is at work in Vermont and using Haywood Baptists in productive ways. We saw it firsthand--and a vision for what can be, as these efforts are broadened and intensified.
My next newsletter article will feature a more comprehensive report. We are in the process of compiling a video that we will send to the churches giving an overview of what is happening in the most secular state in the US. Below, you will see a picture from the lobby of Mission City Church in Rutland, Vermont. Their mission to develop and deploy disciples is more than a slogan; it is the driving passion in all they do.
THIS MONDAY, Pastor's Conference will have testimonies from Vermont Team members, as well as a time for Q & A. It all begins around 10 AM. I hope that pastors and staff will join us for this!
Stay tuned--there is more to come!
Yours for the Great Commission,
Dennis Thurman, AMS
