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Writer's picture: Haywood Baptist AssociationHaywood Baptist Association

We are bombarded with bad news daily. Turn on the TV, surf the internet, listen to the radio, talk with folks at work or church--and it is distressing to hear horror story after horror story.

How about some good news? God so loved the world of sinners that He sent His Son to atone for sin so that if we trust Him, the gift of eternal life will be ours! The word, "Gospel," means good news!

I am preaching to the choir. Yet, many in our sphere of relationships have not been told. It is our job to reach them.

Having a culture of evangelism is imperative for a healthy church. Let me give you some practical suggestions. Thom Rainer's book, "Pray and Go," is a 30-day devotional that can spark a fire of evangelism in a church. A practical tool to follow up that study is, "The Three Circles," which is not the only method but is an excellent method for sharing Jesus.

I have been blessed to see God moving at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, where I serve as Interim Pastor. Perhaps, two-thirds of the congregation went through, "Pray and Go." That was supplemented with a sermon series on "Hope," from John 14-21, which just concluded. On Sunday evenings, we are nearing completion of our Gospel training with "The Three Circles." Again, nearly two-thirds of the congregation is learning this evangelistic model.

What would happen in Haywood County, if our churches began to share this Good News?

Yours for the Gospel,

Dennis Thurman, AMS

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